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A member registered Jun 06, 2019

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I'm really glad I was helpful ^^

The first bug that i found is the "Next" picture that in the Valerian root go away and don't show it again.

The second,

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
  File "game/valerian.rpy", line 1236, in script
    if _surrender == "true":
  File "game/valerian.rpy", line 1407, in <module>
    elif surrender == "false":
NameError: name 'surrender' is not defined.

The only error I saw is that the "_" was not put in "elif surrender", when I entered the file "valerian.vpy" and I put the "_" everything was solved. ^^

Good night, I just played your game right now and I'm doing the Valerian route and I'm loving it. But in chapter 3 I found several bugs, regarding the answers and I wanted to know where I could send you the information so that you can repair them.

Ok, thank you very much for explaining everything to me how it works, now I understand everything.
I am sorry I bothered you with this topic, I should have read everything very carefully.
As long as I can continue to support you as a member, I will.
Thank you very much for your time and I give you my most sincere support ☺️.

The problem is that I became a Collpaca member a week ago on July 25 of this year and the patreon page has asked me to pay this new month of August again.

If I paid on July 25, I should still have 3 more weeks of membership, so I cancel the payment and with it  the renew Collpaca. But now I don't have access to any content and I think it's not fair, because i paid for a moth and i only was beneficing for 1 week. 

I am sorry to leave this message here but I did not know how to contact you in patreon, so I came here in case you could solve this problem.

I am very excited about your work and I love what you do, and I have really enjoyed the content you create, that's why I became a member of the patreon, but I only had the resources to become a member for a month, that's why I was saddened not being able to access the content.

Thanks for your time.